Doula Packages

"Breeze" - light package (kevytdoulaus)
2 prenatal visits of 2h each.
Design of a birth plan conformed to your situation and wishes.
Free access to my "birth library" and possibility to borrow material such as a gym ball and TENS unit if available.
We will practise different positions to prepare birth in a peaceful atmosphere and find the best pain reliefs for you (massage, acupressure, etc.)
I will be available and reachable 2 weeks before your due date and will attend your birth. If I can't attend I will send you a backup doula.
1 postpartum home visit (2h30) including a postpartum dish within 6 weeks after the birth.
We will write a report, an appraisal and share impressions.
prenatal meeting:
2h: 100€

"Monsoon" - basic package
3 prenatal visits of 2h each
Design of a birth plan conformed to your situation and wishes.
Free access to my "birth library" and possibility to borrow material such as a gym ball and TENS unit if available.
We will practise different positions to prepare birth in a peaceful atmosphere and find the best pain reliefs for you (massage, acupressure, etc.)
I will be available for you two weeks before the birth.
Don't be afraid to call or text me at any time of the day and night.
Labour and birth:
Continuous support during labour and birth
Breastfeeding guidance within the hour following birth
1 postpartum home visit (2h30), including a postpartum dish, within 6 weeks after the birth.
We will write a report, an appraisal and share impressions.
We will have a "sealing" ceremony (3h) + yoni steam which will heal your body and mind of new parent and nurture your soul.

"Bise" - deluxe package
5 prenatal visits of 2h each + belly painting (2h)
Mother's blessing / Blessing Ceremony: where we celebrate you, your strength and beauty. Where your friends come to show love and support in your coming transition.
Design of a birth plan conformed to your situation and wishes.
Free access to my "birth library" and possibility to borrow material such as a gym ball and TENS unit if available.
We will practise different positions to prepare birth in a peaceful atmosphere and find the best pain reliefs for you (massage, acupressure, etc.)
I will be available for you two weeks before the birth.
Don't be afraid to call or text me at any time of the day and night.
Labour and birth:
Continuous support during labour and birth
Breastfeeding guidance within the hour following birth
1 postpartum home visit asap after birth (2h30), including a postpartum dish, and bengkung belly binding (included 3 week-rent)
We will write a report, an appraisal and share impressions about the birth.
1 second postpartum meeting (2h30)
1 ceremony : Bath or Yoni steaming (30mn) + "sealing" ceremony (3h) which will heal your body and mind of new mother and nurture your soul.
If you wish a birth keepsake such as a placenta print (tree of life), count on me. This will be free of charge.
Options "à la carte"

"Bayu" - Bengkung belly binding
This includes a session of belly binding, the explanations on how to wrap yourself in the fabric, as well as 3 weeks of rent.
Vaginal birth: You can start as soon as 2 to 4 days after birth.
C-section birth: You must wait from 2 to 4 weeks (as soon as the stitches are dry) to start the treatment.
It is recommended to wear the wrap 10-12 hours a day (as long as it feels comfortable) for a minimum of 3 weeks.
Each additional week of the bengkung wrap rent will be charged 10€.
Bengkung binding is a traditional belly binding therapy from Malaysia. A long strip of muslin or cotton cloth is tied around the abdomen and hips during postnatal recovery.
Proven benefits:
Reduces water retention
Provides firm control of belly soft skin
Provides back posture support during breastfeeding
Firms up the abdominal muscles and tissues
Helps to shrink the uterus back to its pre-pregnancy size
Tones up stretched skin in the torso region
Helps to heal diastasis recti (abdominal wall separation)

"Tehuantepecer" - Sealing ceremony
This is a healing postpartum care called "sealing ceremony" and inherited from the Mayans.
In this ritual the new mother is massaged with a rebozo (a long straight Mexican or Guatemalan scarf traditionally worn by women), and wrapped in a cosy cocoon, made of five scarves or rebozos, placed according to five energetic points..
You can invite one of your friends or relatives to attend the ceremony as a witness. The process consists in a wrapping method that facilitates shrinkage of the uterus and guides the bones and muscles back to their original positioning.
It helps the new parent to call their spirit back and reintegrate their pre-birth body. It helps the person to close a chapter in their life and open a new one. It is a transition ritual.
This is a real moment of relaxation and introspection. This is a precious and sacred treatment when you meet yourself again.
Included: Bath, sauna or steaming with herbs, womb/belly and body massage with oil, cacao ceremony.
Length: 3 hours.
"Puelche" - Chilean Postpartum body massage

This postpartum massage facilitates the secretion of oxytocin, which not only helps feeling relaxed but also promotes the prolactin release, for a good milk flow.
To kick off the session, we start with a foot bath with a special herbal blend, salt and oil. This is for grounding.
After the massage, feelings of security, balance and power predominate.

"Khamsin" - Belly painting
Belly painting is part of an old tradition that has spread through Arabic, Indian and Pakistani cultures. It started with the use of the plant "henna" in Egypt, plant that has travelled all the way to India. Mehndi is the art of applying henna to the body (hands and feet but also back and belly).
Nowadays belly painting has taken other forms: the henna is still in use but colourful designs are also welcome. Traditional arabic symbols or hindu designs, mandalas, western figurative paintings, there is no limits to the human imagination.
The belly painting can be part of a ceremony (blessing). This is a rite of passage when the woman/person becomes a mother/parent. Their belly, their blossoming mother/parenthood, their curves are honoured and glorified. The person can set their intentions for the rest of the pregnancy and the imminent birth, they can share wishes for their baby.
The Ancients used to think that the painting will protect the pregnant person and the baby. In any case this is an absolute relaxing time for the pregnant person and when photos are taken, a beautiful and meaningful souvenir of the pregnancy and the gorgeous belly.

"Buran" - Gua Sha scraping treatment
Gua Sha is an alternative medicine used in East Asia. A tool (a coin, a spoon or a special comb) is used to scrape the skin and activate the blood circulation, untangle the knots, rebalance the energies...
This therapy has been practised for centuries to treat different symptoms: fatigue, insomnia, cold, migraine and more.
Etymologically, "Gua" refers to the method of scraping, rubbing. "Sha" refers to the petechiae, the rupture of small vessels under the skin. This accumulation of blood lets us visualise the "clogged" area. By massaging this area with the tool, we drain it.
Benefits of gua sha are numerous. The technique:
- Increases micro-circulation
- Reduces inflammation
- Increases immunity
- Maintains and strengthens the constitution
- Improves sleep
This treatment will please new mothers and others. It is not recommended for people who:
- have medical conditions affecting the skin or veins
- bleed easily
- take medication to thin their blood
- have deep vein thrombosis
- have a tumor
- have an implant, such as a pacemaker or internal defibrillator

"Pampero" - Yoni Steaming
In Hinduism "yoni" symbolises the Goddess Shakti, the Great Divine Mother. In Sanskrit it means "source", "fountain", "fire pit of incubation", "womb", "vagina".
The treatment has existed for centuries in different parts of the world, for spiritual cleansing or hormonal balancing.
Many vagina owners use womb steam nowadays to either reconnect with their feminine energy, alleviate symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, endometriosis or menopause.
Wombs are clever and resilient. Here, I suggest this treatment to enhance and accelerate the natural postpartum healing process. Steam and plants will bring warmth, relaxation and the properties of each plant involved in the tailored blend. Lavender, for example, is antiseptic and anti-inflammatory. Calendula is analgesic, vulnerary, circulatory and much more. Some plants cleanse, others hydrate... All come together, balanced.
It is a spa, for your bottom and your soul.

Blood print (to illustrate the package)
"Maestro I" - Placenta print
Placenta prints are wonderful keepsakes. Some call them "trees of life" as the print of the placenta looks like a tree with its branches and the umbilical cord looks like a crawling root. Symbol of life, connection, nourishment. Memory of a symbiosis in utero.
If you have preferences regarding the colours used and the disposition of the cord, mention it in your order.
Blood print + Colour print (size A3): 120€
Pick-up 15€ (from hospitals in the Helsinki area or your place)
Natural colouring (berries, vegetables and spices)*: 20€
Framing: 20€
Home delivery of the art work (and placenta if wanted): 15€
*good idea if you plan to burry your placenta without damaging the Earth.
(If you want to use your placenta for a medical use, please consult your placental medicine specialist for further advice.)

Colour print (to illustrate the package)
"Maestro II" - Placenta print workshop
Make your own placenta print! I will teach you how to do. It can be a beautiful way to pay tribute to this amazing organ. This workshop is a private course for you or your partner. You get involved.
The workshop includes:
- Instruction and guidance to realise the art work
- Paper
- Colours
- Brushes and other material available for your work
- Blood print + Colour print as a result
Doesn’t include the framing.
The workshop takes place in the comfort of your home.
Length: 2-3hrs
All the prices above include the VAT (24%)